dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve
- 迷走神经背核;迷走神经背侧核

Some structure occur early and the neurons also ( emerge ) early such as the dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve .
The distribution of cck-and CGRP-containing neurons in the dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve & a study with combined method of the retrograde tracing and immunocytochemistry
The labelled neurons were also seen in the rostral nucleus ambiguus as well as its compact colum and in the lower level of obex of the dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve .
In the medulla oblongata , ER distributed in the hypoglossal nucleus , dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve , nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract , nucleus of solitary tract and reticular formation ;
They are less in the contralateral solitary tract nucleus and the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve .
The cytoarchitecture and immunohistochemical study of the distribution of substance P of the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve in the rat
Abundant HRP labelled terminal fibers were found in all the area postrema , the commis-sural nucleus of Cajal , the ipsilateral solitary tract nucleus and the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve .
Progress in the Study of the Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus Nerve
The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and nucleus ambiguus are well developed ;
The Origins of the Cervical Vagus Trunk and the Subnucleus Organization of the Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus Nerve in the Chicken
The parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are located in the ambiguous nucleus , dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and reticular formation between the two above nuclei .
In the medulla oblongata , OXA-IR nervous fibers were found in the area postrema , solitary tract nucleus and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve .
The Study of the Relationship between Endocrinal Islet A Cell and Cholinergic Neurons : VAChT Immunohistochemistry Study on Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus Nerve in Selective Injured Islet A Cell of Rat
In the medulla oblongata , OB-Rb mRNA were observed in the inferior olivary nucleus , the nucleus of the solitary tract , dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and the hypoglossal nucleus .
The labeled cells of the celiac ganglion in two rabbits were counted . The total number was 582,59.79 ± 2.03 % in the left and 40.21 ± 2.03 % in the right , while only 2 labeled cells were found in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve .
Methods We selected Co ( NH 3 ) 2 · 6H 2O to destroy islet A cell selectively , and utilized very peculiar VAChT antibody to observe the changes of cholinergic neurons in dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve ( DMV ) in model rats .
In the medial part of the nucleus labeled cells were limited in its ventral part dorsal to the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve .